(We don't know where we'll end up ... but we're all starting at single.)

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Introducing: The Boy Next Door

Hola my cyber amigos,

My description of being The Boy Next Door is pretty close (other than the odd picture and MND joke). I believe that I am an amiable guy that can get along with most people: I want to get involved with as many people and places as possible shown through my devotion to traveling. I have a strong sensitive side of me that can shed tears during a chick flick and awe at a puppy as well as a little cockiness when it comes to passionate things like Pittsburgh sports. So being the BND would definitely fit my comical and passionate personality. I hope that being the sensitive type can overcome the stereotypical male in the modern world.

I joined a dating site for a couple of reasons: First off, I am getting older and for some reason meeting new potential mates is a rarity. Throughout the last few years in DC, I have come to meet many people that have become only friends.   I had a few girls along the way that I dated however the relationships only lasted a few months.  Maybe I was too friendly and not assertive enough to pursue more girls. So now I think it would be healthy to get out into the dating world for a longer-term relationship. Secondly, I want to experience all that the world has to offer.  Dating services and similar websites are part of our generation.  I think online dating services are one of these experiences that everyone should try at some point.

It’s funny; I said many times to people in the past that the perfect girl for me has The Girl Next Door personality: She is the cute, sensitive girl that wants to travel everywhere. It is definitely fitting that my result is the BND persona. Lets hope that I find this neighborhood girl sometime soon.



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